Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/ursovetmk/xn--80adpcckw0c4a.xn--p1ai/docs/plugins/system/jsecure/jsecure.php on line 19

Strict Standards: Declaration of YTTemplateUtils::resize() should be compatible with that of YTTemplateTools::resize() in /home/ursovetmk/xn--80adpcckw0c4a.xn--p1ai/docs/plugins/system/yt/includes/libs/resize/tool.php on line 359

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/ursovetmk/xn--80adpcckw0c4a.xn--p1ai/docs/plugins/system/jsecure/jsecure.php on line 40

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/ursovetmk/xn--80adpcckw0c4a.xn--p1ai/docs/plugins/system/yt/yt.php on line 24

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/ursovetmk/xn--80adpcckw0c4a.xn--p1ai/docs/plugins/system/yt/includes/libs/yt-minify.php on line 128

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